9” / 11“ U-shaped Locking Welding Pliers Multifunctional Fixed Clamp Tool

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9” / 11“ U-shaped Locking Welding Pliers Multifunctional Fixed Clamp Tool
  • 9” / 11“ U-shaped Locking Welding Pliers Multifunctional Fixed Clamp Tool

9” / 11“ U-shaped Locking Welding Pliers Multifunctional Fixed Clamp ToolBT005923

$3.00 USD

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Units Price per Unit (1 Unit = 1 pc)
0--19Need to log in
20--49Need to log in
above50Need to log in
9 Inch 11 Inch

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It is made of high-quality steel with high hardness and good toughness.
U-shaped welding vise is used for family emergency maintenance, electrician maintenance, water pipe maintenance, automobile maintenance, non motor vehicle maintenance and mechanical maintenance.
Used for clamping, welding, bonding, riveting and grinding tools.
For angle welding of steel bars, bars and fittings.
Welding clamp tool for welding applications and securing holding awkwardly shaped items.



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