NBC-350X / 500X / 630X MIG welding machine

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NBC-350X / 500X / 630X MIG welding machine
  • NBC-350X / 500X / 630X MIG welding machine

NBC-350X / 500X / 630X MIG welding machineBT005908

Brand: BORTE
$0.00 USD

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Key Features


It has 3 function: manual arc welding, gas shielded welding, and carbon arc gouging functions;


Easy to start arc and high success rate;

It has the function of eliminating balls when closing the arc;

Adopting waveform control technology to improve molding and reduce splashing;

Small welding deformation and good weld formation;

Stable wire feeding speed and no electromagnetic noise;

High frequency inverter, small size, light weight, energy-saving and power saving;

Adopting advanced IGBT soft switching inverter technology;

Continuous adjustable current and voltage, with a wide adaptability range;

Digital display, welding parameters can be accurately preset;

Suitable for solid/flux cored welding wires;

High load duration, capable of continuous welding for a long time;

Mainly used for various welding positions of black metal materials such as carbon steel, low alloy steel, stainless steel, etc.






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