Welding Manipulator

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Welding Manipulator
  • Welding Manipulator

Welding ManipulatorBT002962

$6948.00 USD

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Welding Manipulator is also called as Welding Column and Boom.The welding head is mounted at one end of the boom. The wire reel can be mounted at the front or at the rear end of the boom. The Counter weight and Boom assembly is held with metallic rope. Provision of anti-fall security is a standard feature in all models including Lead Screw driven ones. The Horizontal Boom drive movement is through rack and pinion for all models.

Main Advantages 

• Increased Production
• Allows maximum flexibility to welding head manipulation
• Better weld quality with reduced labour.
• Dependable even for most critical weld quality.
• Assured high quality welding non-dependent on operator's skill
• Essential tool for automatic / semi-automatic welding.
• Indispensable for pipe / vessel fabrication shops.
• Ensures 360-degrees radial accessibility to welding head, covering vast area in the shop.
• Trolley car mounted version gives accessibility to the full shop length.
• Easy high quality automatic circumferential or longitudinal seam welding in conjunction with Rotator or Positioner.


Key Features

• Rugged Construction.
• Massive stability.
• Wide Based & Lockable 'Swivel Base' to enhance Stability.
• Minimum Deflection even when 'Boom' extended fully.
• Precise 'Jerk free' vertical & horizontal movements.
• Over rated, pre-loaded and dust protected bearing arrangements.




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