O.D Mounted Pipe Beveler, Electric Driven

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O.D Mounted Pipe Beveler, Electric Driven
  • O.D Mounted Pipe Beveler, Electric Driven

O.D Mounted Pipe Beveler, Electric DrivenBT002957

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ISC-63 ISC-89
Electric Driven

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● This machine is designed for pipe end beveling of small diameter, pipe out-mounted compact installation. It is used in pipe end bevelling process of professional equipments and on-site overhaul, e. g. water cooled wall, overheater, reheater, fuel economizer, boiler and fire thermo electricity, etc. It meets the requirement of process: Narrow space of on-site repair and large scale of repairing.


Key Features

● High-quality beveling tool which can process different grades of carbon steels, alloyed steels, stainless steels, and other materials of metal pipes.
● An outside caliper is fixed in proper position, simple and light, precise centering, steady mount and convenient operation.
It is equipped with exclusive motor made by Germany Metabo Company, with excellent performance and durable use.
● Driven Type: Electrical & Pneumatic



The electric model machine adopts exclusive motor to drive Voltage 220V, Frequency 50-60Hz, Power 1.40KW.

Electric Driven Pneumatic Driven Working Range
(O.D in mm)
Wall Thickness
Rotating Speed
ISC-63 TSC-63 38-63 ≤ 12 52
ISC-89 TSC-89 63-89 ≤ 12






Explosion Diagram

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