Elite MIG-350S,Transformer

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Elite MIG-350S,Transformer
  • Elite MIG-350S,Transformer

Elite MIG-350S,TransformerBT004275

Brand: BORTE
$0.00 USD

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Key Features

● MIG welding function

● 30 step voltage setting for better welding heat control

● 4 rollers drive wire feeder

● Stepless wire speed control, with electronic gas valve

● Step type machine make the lower failure and easy maintenance

● Advanced thermal overload protection for transformer. Automatically over-voltage and over-current protection.

● 15KG welding wire capacity

● CE certificate.



 Elite MIG-350S

 Input Voltage


 Input Power


 No-load voltage


 Current Range


 Duty Cycle


 Welding Wire


 Protection Level




