ER308L, ф0.8-1.6mm Stainless Steel Welding Wire for CO2 Gas Shielded Welding

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ER308L, ф0.8-1.6mm Stainless Steel Welding Wire for CO2 Gas Shielded Welding
  • ER308L, ф0.8-1.6mm Stainless Steel Welding Wire for CO2 Gas Shielded Welding

ER308L, ф0.8-1.6mm Stainless Steel Welding Wire for CO2 Gas Shielded WeldingBT003436

$0.00 USD

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Units Price per Unit (1 Unit = 1 kg)
0--1000Need to log in
1001--3000Need to log in
above3001Need to log in
0.8mm 1.0mm 1.2mm 1.6mm

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Key Features

● Excellent Straightness.
● Uniform and beautiful surface condition.
● Excellent coil-forming ability.
● High elasticity and high fatigue resistance.
● Strong corrosion resistance against exposure to the toughest atmosphere.



Chemical Compossition of Deposited Metal(%),AWS ER308L(GB H03Cr21Ni10Si)

   C  Mn  Si  S  P  Cr  Ni  Mo  Cu
 Typical  0.024  1.72  0.48  0.010  0.018  19.76  9.83  0.010  0.09


Mechanical Properties of Deposited Metal,AWS ER308L(GB H03Cr21Ni10Si)

Yield  pointбb(MPa)
 Elongation δ5(%)
Typical              560  45


Size, Packing, AWS ER308L(GB H03Cr21Ni10Si)

                                  Size(mm)  ф0.8  ф1.0  ф1.2  ф1.6
                                   Packing     15kg/spool/carton

 Note: 1unit=1kg

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