Heavily Duty Welding Positioner( from 0.6tons to 30tons)

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Heavily Duty Welding Positioner( from 0.6tons to 30tons)
  • Heavily Duty Welding Positioner( from 0.6tons to 30tons)

Heavily Duty Welding Positioner( from 0.6tons to 30tons)BT002961

$0.00 USD

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WP-0.6 WP-0.8 WP-1 WP-2 WP-3 WP-5 WP-8 WP-10 WP-15 WP-20 WP-30

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Welding Positioners are mainly used to manipulate and position the Jobs , independent of operator's skill. Once the job is loaded it can be manipulated conveniently to complete all the welding operations in down hand position. This reduces handling time and frequent use of crane. Positioners can be conveniently used for complete circumferential welding, strip cladding, for down hand position welding, to set the job conveniently for easy accessibility to intricate assemblies etc. Along with welding manipulator, a positioner can carry out any welding tasks which are impossible otherwise.

Key Features

● Extremely Stable and 'Free Standing' with the maximum rated load.
● Free standing' design allows frequent change of site.
● Rugged and robust Design / Construction.
● Generous 'Rotational' and 'Tilt' torque.
● Over rated, Pre-loaded and dust protected bearing arrangements.
● Forced diversion of 'Earth return current' off the spindle bearings, averts bearing damage.
● Activation of mechanical 'Stoppers' in case of limit switch failure.


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