The copper nozzle is easily burned_Laser Welding_Product Knowledge_China Leading One-Stop Supplier of Welding & Cutting Machine | Welding Parts | Welding Auxiliary | Welding Materials | Welding Tools

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Home > Product Knowledge > Laser Welding > The copper nozzle is easily burned

Failure phenomenon

The copper nozzle is easily broken/damage.

Failure analysis:

During the welding process, there is heat diffusion to the copper nozzle to cause damage


Please make sure the below adjustments are correctly finished:

Adjust the red light deviation to be center

Adjust the Focus point
● The scanning width should be ≤5, normally we set it to be 3.

When welding, try to weld the gun and the plate at 45°, not vertically

●Check & replace the lens (protective lens, focusing lens, reflective lens, collimating lens) if they're damage.

High reflective materials such as aluminum plates will also cause the copper nozzle to be hot, which is uncontrollable